St. Patrick’s Day is Friday March 17th and has roots in Irish Christianity. In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I have decided to rank my friends favorite green things.
13th place
Anthony Lopez chose wasabi as his favorite green thing. I’ve personally never tried wasabi but from what I have heard it is a plant like and herby flavor.
12th place
Gym Shark Hoodie
Cole Bloom chose his green Gym Shark hoodie as his favorite green thing. I’m sure it is a nice hoodie but its his hoodie not mine so that is why it receives a 12th place ranking.
11th place
Green Thunder Mio Energy
Alayna Lansberry chose her Green Thunder Mio as her favorite green thing. I have actually tried the Mio and I wasn’t the biggest fan.
10th place
Luke Pallo chose plants as his favorite green thing. Plants are cool for sure but it is too broad of a topic and I believe there is more deserving contenders on this list.
9th place
Marlayna Bender chose grass as her favorite green thing. Grass is great and a very important part of our ecosystem but it makes me very itchy.
8th place
Granny Smith Apples
Morgan Sattesahn chose Green Apples as her favorite green thing. I prefer red apples.
7th place
Shamrock Shake
Will Domico chose Shamrock Shakes as his favorite green thing. I have only had a few Shamrock Shakes in my time but they are kind of middle of the road in my opinion.
6th place
Ava Lynch chose Cacti as their favorite green thing. Cacti are supposedly easy to take care of by I personally have killed the only one I have owned. Although I think they are pretty cool.
5th place
Natalie Rowles chose frogs as her favorite green thing. Frogs even though they are slimy are cool. I like that they can go between water and land.
4th place
Caramel Apples
Gabby Henry chose caramel apples as her favorite green thing. This entry is similar to another one on this list but it gets bumped up because of the caramel and the different things you can top them with.
3rd place
Micah Johnson chose money as his favorite green thing. Money makes the world go around and none of us could live without it.
2nd place
Sam Campolong chose Kermit the Frog as her favorite green thing. This article title is named after the Ray Charles song “It Ain’t Easy Being Green” which was popularized by the frog. While frogs in general received 5th place Kermit is by far the best frog.
1st place
My Green Hydroflask
I, Olivia Rowles, chose my Hydro flask as my favorite green thing. This may be an unpopular opinion as I’m the only one that can relate but I don’t care because it is my article.
I had a great time ranking my friends favorite green things.