On Your Mark, Set, Here Comes Track


Isaac Samsel, Staff Writer

March has ended and the Clearfield Bison Track and Field season has begun. Before the season began, I sat down and asked head coach, Myles Caragein, about the 2023 season.

  • Question: Who are the assistant coaches and what are their areas of coaching?
    • Answer: Coach Putt is our High Jump Coach, Coach Kline is our Hurdling Coach, Coach Winters is our Distance Coach, Coach Shimko is our Throwing Coach, Coach Glunts helps Coach the Jumpers, and I Coach Sprinting and Pole Vault.
  • Question: How many kids came out this year for track?
    • Answer: We have around 65 kids that are out for track this year.
  • Question: Has there been any new equipment purchased for this year?
    • Answer: We have bought some equipment to help our athletes with training. We also purchased a new boy’s javelin.
  • Question: What are the expectations for this season?
    • Answer: My expectation is for every athlete to be keep beating their personal records in each event and then to perform their best at Districts. As a team, I would like to win the Mountain League.
  • Question: Will you still be the track head coach next season with your new position as the football head coach?
    • Answer: It will be too much to be head coach of both sports. This will be my last season as head coach of the Track Team. I would still like to coach Varsity track next year in some capacity. It a great sport to stay in shape, build speed, helps with jumping, and body awareness.
  • Question: Who are the returning letter winners?
    • Answer: Boys: Ty Aveni, Brady Collins, Eli Fox, Kai Lynch, Isaac Samsel, and Jacob Samsel
    • Girls: Marlayna Bender, Danna Bender, Dehlia Elbe, Jaylee Gill, Hannah Glunt, Lindsey Kerlin, Olivia Mitchell, Katie Peacock, and Alayna Winters

There is a lot of anticipation for this season by the coaches and athletes. As the final season for as head coach for Mr. Caragein, he would like to wrap up his career with the Mountain League Title.

The next Varsity track meet is in Philipsburg Osceola on April 4th, against PO and Tyrone.