April Fools’!!

Kira Knox, Staff Writer

April Fools’! April Fools’ Day that is celebrated on April first has been celebrated for centuries. The origin of this tradition, however, is a mystery. Some say that the tradition of April Fools’ dates back to 1582, where the beginning of the year moved to April first to January first, which is what is known today. Because of this change, people would still celebrate the new year during the end of March through April, which caused them to be made fun of and called “April Fools.” This tradition that has grown to be very popular in society today, as this day is used to pull pranks on people.

Are you looking for some new, unique April Fools’ pranks? Here are five pranks that you can do:

  1. Whoopee Cushion – One of the classics that can be placed under any seat for someone to sit on.
  2. Balloon Pillow – Replace one’s pillow with balloons before they go to lay down.
  3. Change the Date – Change all the calendars in the house, including phones, to make it seem like a completely different day.
  4. Remote-Controlled – Cover the sensor of the remote with tape, taking the “control” out of the remote.
  5. Confetti Fan – Place confetti on the blades of the fan. Once the fan is turned one, confetti will fly all over the room. Only do this one if you plan on cleaning it up!

I hope these prank work out for you this April Fools’ Day!