Make-A-Wish T-shirt sale successfully concludes

November 4, 2019
The Clearfield Area School District concluded its 12th year of selling Make-a-Wish t-shirts on Sept. 13 in conjunction with homecoming. The t-shirt sale was once again a success and raised thousands of dollars for children in need.
According to Mr. Shimmel, coordinator of the project, the community and school district purchased over 1,000 shirts and were able to raise over $3000 dollars for Make-a-Wish to use in granting children’s wishes.
Why is this sale important to hold in the area every year? Mr. Shimmel says, “The sale helps instill pride in our schools as well as raise money for a very special organization that does great things for kids with life-threatening diseases.”
Mr. Shimmel would also like to make the point that, “Doing anything for the greater good is something we should all strive to accomplish. Raising money for the Make-A-Wish organization is just one way to do this.”