FCA Holds See You at the Pole for 2021

Flag pole outside of the school

Isaac Samsel, Staff Writer

What is “See You at the Pole?” It is a day of student prayer where students meet at the flagpole before school to lift the community and loved ones in prayer.

All over the country students and school staff gather at a flagpole outside of their school and say a prayer together. It is held on the fourth of Wednesday of September typically, although this year the Fellowship of Christian Athletes chapter held it on the fourth Wednesday of October at the flagpole in the main oval at the front of the school at 7:15 a.m.

The theme for this year’s SYATP was “James 4:10, Just Pray.” After not being able to do it last year, there was a good turnout considering the fears of COVID throughout teachers and students.

Mrs. Bookhamer, advisor of the FCA, and Mark McGonigal, president of the FCA, led the prayers for the meeting at the pole. Additionally, as a member of the community, Rev. Dr. Jimmy Hopper of the Clearfield Presbyterian Church attended and led the group in a closing prayer for the morning.