Shayla Brink
11 – 12th grade counselor
We know you’re a new counselor at CHS as of last year, how are you liking the school? Is it different from any other place you’ve been to?
“I am liking CHS because it is very different from anywhere else that I’ve worked. Previously I’ve worked at Punxsy high school. I also attended high school there so Clearfield has forced me out of my comfort zone personally and professionally. I’ve learned a great amount over the past year and a half here.”
Where did you work before you came to CHS?
“Most recently I worked at Punxsy high school as a social worker, before that I worked at Penn highlands Dubois at the inpatient psychiatric units and before that, I worked for an agency as a family-based therapist.”
Why did you want to become a counselor?
“Originally when I chose my career path as a high school senior I knew I wanted to help people, so I originally went into nursing but nursing didn’t work out. I realized there are many other ways to help others outside of health care.”
What are your hobbies outside of work?
“I like to go to the gym, I have a Pitbull puppy that loves walks, and anything outdoors such as riding horses, hunting, playing volleyball and hiking.”
Lots of seniors are currently committing to colleges, those are very hard decisions for a lot of kids… What college did you go to? Was it a hard situation to commit?
“I went to IUP for my undergraduate studies, personally it was not a hard decision for me because my father was employed at the university. For my graduate studies I chose Westminster because it was a small private college where I could do most of my courses online, but I still was in communications with my peers”
What was your favorite memory from college?
“When I decided to change my major because I found a major that I enjoyed and was passionate about.”