This is Ms. Uschock! It is her first year teaching at Clearfield, she teaches History in the Learning Support setting.
She student-taught in Pittsburgh Public Schools last year. Her Alma Maters include Thiel College for her History Bachelor’s degree, and her Master’s in Special Education at the University of Pittsburgh. When asked if she always wanted to teach, she said, “I was not always going to be a teacher. I planned to be a lawyer until I was about 20” She discovered that she wouldn’t want to read and write all day without the guarantee of helping others. She decided to take a job personality class, and her results were that she should be a High School principal. “To be a principle, you have to be a teacher!” she said. She found a program at Pittsburgh University that would allow her to become a certified teacher.
She especially wanted to be a trained special educator. Her mother had a similar career direction, so she grew up close to the field. She volunteers one week every summer at a camp for adults with intellectual disabilities.
In her free time, she likes to spend time with her fiancé, Charlie. He is one of her biggest reasons for moving to Clearfield and getting a job at the high school. She has some advice for fellow new teachers and new students. For the teachers “Take your time learning how things are set up so you start out right.”, and “Set up your systems so they work for you.” For students the advice is “to find somewhere you belong, whether it’s clubs or sports.”. She herself is still friends with Miss Bosley, her best friend from 7th grade! They still eat lunch together and hang out outside of school, too.
Those are just some interesting facts about Clearfield’s new teacher, Ms. Uschock!