“Kung Fu Panda 4” directed by Mike Mitchell, came to theaters March 8, 2024. It is an animated comedy and the fourth movie of the Kung Fu Panda franchise. The movie runs for an estimated 94 minutes, which makes it the second longest in the Kung Fu Panda franchise, and has voice actors like Jack Black, Awkwafina, James Hong, and Viola Davis.
The story is about Po finding the successor of his role as the Dragon Warrior and advancing to becoming the spiritual leader of the Valley of Peace. He is troubled with said news but nonetheless starts looking for his successor. After a series of “interviews” he is unable to pick one. Then a mission that only the Dragon Warrior can handle comes along and he needs the help of someone who knows the enemy he is dealing with. Throughout the movie there are many action parts and some comic relief parts. The ending to the movie was very well done and would make sense to end the franchise or perhaps keep it going. Overall, I would recommend this to anyone. It is a great movie for kids, and I don’t think parents or adults would get bored with it.
A few things that I really loved about this movie were the mention of previous antagonists, the animation style, and there was a plot twist I loved. Parts of the movie feel like fruit ninja, and I mean that in the best way possible. There were smaller details that I liked, like the comic relief was actually funny, and they had cute little inspirational moments going on in the movie. I do wish they had some previous characters back more, but that small thing is outweighed by how much good this movie did.