If you’re just coming up to high school or have already been here for a few years and are just wondering what classes to take that will help you in life, then you’re in the right place. You might think that the classes you take don’t matter as long as you pass, although that might be true for some students depending on what they plan to do in the future, there are some classes that I believe everyone should take. Other than your main classes that you need to take to graduate, there are some that you might overlook that could help you someday, believe it or not.
The first class I would recommend taking is Financial Algebra. It’s not as bad as it sounds, I promise. You will learn everything from how to do taxes, to what it costs to raise a child, to car insurance, to buying a house: all pretty useful stuff! The class pretty much teaches you how to be responsible and safe with your hard-earned money.
The second class I recommend taking is Economics. This is one is a little more challenging, but if you keep up with it, it will be worth it. You will learn about how investing works, stocks, the economy, and even how businesses function; maybe you’ll end up starting your own someday because of it.
The next class I recommend can be taken in place of Physical Education and it is called Strength Training. In this class you will do mostly weightlifting, and maybe sometimes stretching and rolling out. This class will most likely be run by Coach/Mr. Glunt. The benefits of this class are that you will see an improvement in strength and appearance in yourself and it is a great way to improve mental health.
The fourth and final class I would recommend would be Food for Fitness. In this class you will learn both the nutritious values of food and how to prepare nutritious meals for either yourself or anyone you might ever need to cook for. This is important to know simply because it will make you an overall healthier person and you will have the skills and knowledge that most others won’t.
I am very glad I took these classes and hope you will take them too before you graduate.