Everyone loves a good craft every once in a while, especially on a rainy day. Crafting offers a unique blend of creativity and relaxation. It is a great form of self expression so, dive into the world of crafts and discover the joy of making something truly your own. To start off your journey, here are three simple crafts to make: button headband/hair clip, rock painting, and star plush garland.
Sometimes an outfit could use an extra accessory, such as a headband or a hair clip. Most headbands and hair clips can be bland and boring, but attaching buttons can make them look cuter. The materials needed for the craft are a headband/hair clip, a hot glue gun, and buttons of different sizes. Step 1: Heat up your hot glue gun. While that is heating up, choose which buttons you would like to use and where you want to use them. Step 2: Glue the buttons to the headband or hair clip. Wait for the glue to cool before using.
An extra step for extra glam would be to attach a string of beads to the hair clip. Materials for this would be string and beads. Step 1: Tie the string and create your string of beads. Step 2: Tie directly to the hair clip. Once the steps are complete, your new fashion statement is ready to wear.
Next up is rock painting. This can be a great way to spread positivity or just decorate your garden. Materials needed are paint (water-based to be eco-friendly), paint brushes, and some clean rocks. There really are no steps to this activity. Simply choose your design, whether you find inspiration online or just let your creativity flow, and paint your rock. Some people choose to leave them around for others to find, or just use them as decoration. What you choose to do with your rock is up to you.
A good way to spice up your decorations is with garland. You can choose whichever shape you would like, but these instructions will be using a star. This particular garland will require sewing skills and can be done with either a sewing machine or by hand. The tools needed to make this are an iron, scissors, fabric, pattern of shape, thread, sewing machine (optional), and stuffing (poly-fill). Step 1: Iron your fabric flat, fold in half, and then iron once more. Step 2: Place the star pattern anywhere on the folded fabric, be sure to leave room to cut more patterns. The quantity of patterns you cut is up to you. Step 3: Pin or trace the star pattern, then cut it out. Once they are cut out, the two pieces and align the right sides with each other. Make absolutely sure the wrong sides are facing outward. Step 4: Sew the two pieces together, leaving about an inch left open towards the end. Step 5: Fold inside out so that the right side are now on the outside. Step 6: Stuff the star to your liking. Step 7: Take a needle and a spool of thread that match the fabric color and sew the opening shut. Step 8: Repeat for multiple stars. Step 9: Thread a needle through all of the stars, spacing them how you desire. Tie the ends of the thread so the stars do not fall off. Once you finish that step, you have a brand new garland to hang up.
These are just a few craft ideas although there are so many more out there. Pinterest can be a great source to find some more.