Some people make a new year’s resolution to get healthier, but end up not going through with it because it is too much work for them. The simple solution to this is to slowly incorporate small, new, healthier habits into your daily routine. Some ways to do this are drinking smoothies, buying the healthier option, going for a walk/run on a daily basis, or picking up small ten-minute workouts. Once you get more into the gist of these small habits, it gets easier to work up the motivation of starting bigger habits.
Food is one of the biggest variables of being unhealthy. Many people don’t take in the factors of calories and ingredients before they eat. Counting calories is not always necessary though; eating healthier foods in general is a great way to start. Instead of drinking soda, try switching it out for water or juice. Smoothies are a great and healthy drink for anybody who loves fruit. There are many recipes on the internet available to everyone. Save the junkier side of foods and drinks for special occasions such as parties or going out. When shopping for groceries at home, aim for the healthier version of most foods. There will not always be a healthier option, and that is completely okay. Cheat days are important because it gives you the freedom not to live by the healthier option for a day and eat all of your favorite things. It is good to set a specified time or day where you are able to cheat; it is kind of like a reward. It is also important to note that trying to be healthier is not going to be a a smooth road, there will be bumps and obstacles to get past such as having more than one specified cheat day or losing the motivation. In these situations, it is good to have a goal so you are reminded of what you are working at and can get back on track when you are ready.
Another way to improve health and wellness is by taking walks or runs, doing small workout sessions, and making time for yourself so you can have a break. Working out is more on the healthier side of the scale as it keeps you fit. When starting a workout journey it is a good idea to incorporate your level of skill. Start off with something your’re comfortable with. For some people it is a 5-minute workout and for others it could take up to an hour. Try to stay in a routine with working out, as consistency is key if you are wanting it to show results. Walking and running is in the middle of the health and wellness scale; it keeps you in shape and it is also good for mental health. Taking the time to go outside and get fresh air and watch nature around you can work wonders on your brain. It helps with stress by clearing your mind and resetting it. On the wellness side of the scale, making time for yourself is important for mental health as well because it gives you time to enjoy what you really like doing. It is also a good chance to discover yourself and find new hobbies. Everybody needs a break once in a while, so this is a good option for anybody looking to improve their wellness.
Overall, there are many different things to do that will improve health and wellness. Everybody works at their own pace so some people make take more time than other to get into a routine. Bumps along the road may be offsetting, but they are important to the process, showing that you have the motivation and willpower to keep going.