Penny Wars Has Made its Way to the Battlefield Once Again
Mrs. Bender, supervisor of the Penny Wars, which raises funds for the Yearbook.
December 7, 2017
The wars have begun, Penny Wars anyways. Every homeroom between Junior High and Senior High recently had the opportunity to win a donut party during activity period by simply bringing in their loose change that is always laying around. The homeroom in both Junior High and Senior High with the most donations will receive the donut party.
The Yearbook staff hosts this fundraiser to raise money to offset the cost of the yearbook. According to Mrs. Bender, “After Mrs. Bargerstock left we took over the fundraiser helping out the yearbook.”
During the first week of the war all coins are counted as positive points. Starting from November 13 the real fun began. The fun begins with only pennies being counted as positive points. It then moves onto only silver coins being positive. The last week however, students from other homerooms are able to sabotage any homeroom they wish by depositing negative coins into the others container.
This year’s homerooms winners for the Junior High are: Mrs. Beeken with $87.13 in first place, Mr. Shimmel with $66.66 in second place, and Mrs. Stibitz with $39.97 in third place. The winners for the High School are: Mr. Mandell with $169.93 in first place, Mrs. Borden with $144.08 in second place, and Mrs. Moyer with $99.24 in third place.