Dr. Spaid Informs Students about Scholarship Packets due March 7

Source: Moodle
March 1, 2018
Everyone knows college is expensive and the student loans can pile up, but scholarships can help lower these costs and make college a more enjoyable experience. Dr. Spaid, the guidance counselor here at CAJSHS for grades 11 and 12, offers a local scholarship packet every year to the seniors.
This scholarship packet can be picked up in the guidance office and the high school transcript can be easily printed off by one of the guidance workers. These scholarships must be typed and kept in a 3-ring folder. This folder must contain a cover page with the student’s name and the name of the scholarship. Each scholarship the student is applying for must be in a separate folder.
Some scholarships in this packet require a unique essay and some just simply require a personal essay. Due to the fact that every scholarship in the packet is different, Dr. Spaid recommends reading each scholarship carefully before writing them. Each one requires getting two credible letters of recommendation from people such as teachers, coaches, employers, and counselors.
Dr. Spaid suggests applying for as many scholarships as possible because it will truly help in the long run in your college experience and life down the road. The deadline to submit these scholarships is Wednesday March 7, 2018 by noon. They will not be accepting any late scholarship packets.