Queen of Hearts Overall Winner Announced
From left; Lauren Butler, Brooke Cline, Nikki Brossard, Kate Lansberry, Aspen Bishop, Sierra Knepp, Talitha Narehood, Shaylee Wagoner, Brittni Walker, and Jaclyn Freeman
May 29, 2018
Senior Kate Lansberry has won the overall Queen of Hearts title. This is a large title to win considering she competed against Harmony, Curwensville, DuBois, Philipsburg high schools and the other girls here at Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High. Kate raised the most money, $2,400, for the American Heart Association. Her win was announced April 18 at the luncheon that the Queen of Hearts Court attended and it was also featured in The Progress on April 29.
In past years, girls from CAJSHS have also won this coveted title. Lauren Stover, who graduated last year, also won the title of Queen of Hearts. This contest has been going on in the area for decades. Ms. Borden, Student Council adviser, states, “Senior girls in service clubs with 15 or more hours are welcome to join the contest next year. Also, I would like students to know this year was our district won the title ‘Best Year’ ever. We raised over $7,000 through t-shirt sales, basket raffles, Queen of Heart Dance ticket sales, and community donations. We couldn’t’ have done this without student and staff support.”