Why is art education important?
Paintbrushes and paint are pretty cool
November 3, 2018
As students in high school we are often thinking about the different classes we need to take to graduate and why they are important.
Classes such as, Math, English, and Science are all viewed as important classes because they are the ones that seem to count the most when students want to get accepted into various colleges. But, unfortunately, sometimes art classes and other classes that bring out the creative side of students don’t seem to matter and that’s why some schools don’t offer art education. It also may be why a lot of students don’t know what they are going to do with the rest of their lives, or why some decide not to attend college and why they give up so easily in school.
Many students who do not excel at math and science are brought up to believe that they are dumb compared to other students who can do math and science easily, which isn’t the case at all. Art education helps many students see that they are creative and allows them to express themselves easier than if they weren’t given that option.
Art education has been shown to positively affect students when it is offered them along with their core classes. Without art classes, students face greater difficulty mastering the core subjects, there are higher dropout rates, and more disciplinary problems, according to the Center for Online Education. It is also stated that the arts in school is vital to students because they are all different and should have the opportunity to express their talents effectively without thinking that math and science are the only subjects they need.
To conclude, having the arts along with the core classes allows students to become what they are meant to be and may even help them excel in things they didn’t think they would have otherwise.
We are lucky enough to have a school that offers the arts to everyone and I believe this helps tremendously with behavioral problems and helping students know what they want to be as we approach graduation and college.