Makayla Lutz enjoys her final year as captain of the Bison band front

December 7, 2018
Many people do not understand what it really means to be a good leader.
Makayla Lutz is a senior at the Clearfield Area Junior-Senior high school. This year was her third year as captain of the Bison Band Front. “I have been twirling for 13 years,” says Makayla. “My mom taught me when I was 4 and then she put me into the YMCA Philipsburg group when I was 5. I have been twirling in other groups, but I became part of the Clearfield junior high band front in seventh grade and joined the high school squad in ninth grade.”
Being such a leader takes persistence and exertion. According to Makayla, “The hardest part is telling what to do and getting them to practice on their own time so that we are performance ready. It is also very difficult managing both the majorette and the silk squad this year.” Along with all of the schoolwork Makayla has to do, being captain gave her the responsibility of choreographing, teaching, and preparing all the routines for both parade and football season as well as the dances they do in the stands.
Along with everything Makayla must do for the squad, she takes it upon herself to make treat bags with quotes on them to inspire them before every performance and helps them with not only their twirling needs but their personal needs as well.
Of the three years that Makayla has been captain, she says her junior year was the best. “It was a close group, and everyone got along and had lots of talent,” she says. “My favorite part about being captain is having the ability to teach the girls and inspire them to try new things.”
Her biggest supporters are her mother and Mr. Mandell the director of the Bison Band. “My mom comes to all my performances and Mr. Mandell both supports and helps me handle any band front issues or situations that occur. I couldn’t do it without their help.”