Band front twirls into a new season

Carrie McCracken and Ava Wisor twirl through the season.

Katelynn Smith, Staff Writer

Carrie McCracken and Ava Wisor have been chosen to lead the band front.

Carrie McCracken, an upcoming senior, has been twirling for twelve years and learned how to twirl from Karen Rubbe. Her favorite part about twirling is getting to learn and teach new things. She says that her favorite band front memory is when she got to help teach dances and being in the stands talking and dancing with the girls. She adds that she is looking forward to helping and teaching the new girls. Her plans as captain are to help and teach the girls as much as possible and still have fun and be there for them.

Ava, an upcoming sophomore, has been twirling for nine years and was taught by Veronica Walker who owns “The Daises Twirling Unit” in Woodland, PA. Her favorite part about twirling is that she can show her personality and express herself however she would like to. One of her favorite band front memories is doing friend exercises, which she explains as choosing a name of a person in band front that they do not really know and writing them a sweet letter to wish them luck before a performance and get to know them better. She is looking forward to meeting a lot of new kids and working with Carrie to try to better the squad for the years to come. Her plan as captain is to encourage a bunch of girls to join the squad so the squad grows stronger and better.

The responsibilities of a captain include teaching dances and routines and holding squad members accountable for attending practices and performances.

Each captain works very hard to make the squad a kind and enjoyable environment.

We congratulate Ava and Carrie as they have worked very hard to accomplish all that they have, and we wish them the best of luck in the new season as captains.