FCCLA’s Project PH is under way

Courtney Buck (left) and Lauren Coleman (right)
March 23, 2019
Two students, Lauren Coleman and Courtney Buck started a collection of personal hygiene products to give free to any students who need them as their personal project for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. This project is called Project PH, and the students decided to do this because they see it is an ongoing problem in society and in our school that people do not always have access to products that they need to stay hygienic and clean.
The girls asked teachers as well as local businesses for donations such as body wash, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothbrushes, and anything else students may need, and they have gotten a very positive response as well as many donations to achieve their goal of helping students feel better about themselves and making sure everyone has everything they need in everyday life.
Personal hygiene products are kept in many locations throughout the school such as The Main Office, The Library, Mrs. Hoover’s, Mr., Duttry’s, Mr. Billotte’s, Mrs. Warlow’s, Mrs. Borden’s, Mr. Putt’s, Mr. Knepp’s, and Mrs. Brownlee’s room. If anyone would like to donate to continue the progression of this project, donations can be dropped off in the main office of the Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School.