Students amaze at local Rotary Speech Competition

All the students who participated in the competition.
March 23, 2019
Thirteen students from Mrs. Borden’s Public Speaking class recently spoke at the local Rotary 4-way Test Speech Competition held at Lock Haven University in Clearfield on March 13. The students who participated include Cruz Wright, Isabelle Passmore, Kelseekay Charles, Kimberly Wilsoncroft, Madilyn Domico, Elise Dufour, Seth Miller, Erika Frye, Katelynn Smith, Austin McDanel, Taylor Trinidad, Lennon Miller, and Emily Shipley.
For anyone who isn’t sure of what the Rotary 4-way Test Speech is, it is a speech created around four questions, “Is it the truth?”, “Is it fair to all concerned?”, “Will it build goodwill and friendships?”, and “Will it be beneficial to all concerned?”. This is how each student wrote their essay, but they all had different topics and perspectives on the same four questions. This made for some very interesting speeches, and for an even more interested audience.
Three students were awarded cash prizes for their wonderful speeches and performances. Those students are Kimberly Wilsoncroft in third place, Elise Dufour in second place, and Katelynn Smith in first place. Katelynn will move on to compete in the Regional Competition that will be held at Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School on April 13.