Project PH continues on to Nationals

Students who created Project PH
May 29, 2019
Earlier in the school year two students, Lauren Coleman and Courtney Buck, started a collection of personal hygiene products to give free to any students who need them as their personal project for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. This project is called Project PH, and the students decided to do this because they see it is an ongoing problem in society and in our school that people do not always have access to products that they need to stay hygienic and clean.
The students took their project to a competition against other school’s FCCLA programs and ended up winning. Lauren and Courtney will continue on to Nationals, which is held in California during the summer. They will leave June 30 and come back on July 5, and as well as competing in Nationals, they will be going to Disney, attending a 4th of July party, and many other fun activities on their trip.
This is a good opportunity for our school and the FCCLA program, as well as a wonderful project that deserves a lot of recognition and will hopefully begin to impact a lot more people than just our school.