2019-2020 new class officers elected


Cruz Wright, the 2019-2020 Senior class President.

Emily Hanes, Staff Writer

As the new school year started, new class officers were elected. Students become class officers by applying and filling out a petition to run for class officer. Students from grades 7-12 can run to be class officers. So far this year, only a couple grades have positions filled. Students from each grade petition for the spot, then, the grade votes on who they want to get the position. The first meeting is coming soon, and the officers are excited to talk about what is to come for this year.

For the 2019-2020 school year, the Senior class president is Cruz Wright. “In my senior year, I am most excited to give my speech at graduation. In addition, I am excited to see how senior year turns out for my peers and I. I know we are a very close group and we love to work together,” said Cruz.

Some of the classes that have elected class officers:

11th Grade- President: Zane Inguagiato, Vice President: Ben Luzier, Secretary: Simon Quigley, Treasurer: Morgan Cheek

12th Grade- President: Cruz Wright, Vice President: Austin McDanel, Secretary: Kim Wilsoncroft, Treasurer: Bella Spingola