Lady Bison Volleyball recognizes seniors

Jessica Griffith

Senior members of the volleyball team were honored at senior night.

Paige Rhine and Jessica Griffith

On Oct. 22, the seniors played their last volleyball game of their high school career. It was a sad night for the coaches, the players, and their parents. They all got to witness these amazing girls grow up and make a future for themselves. The girls played hard all season and they had fun, which the most important part. The girls made memories throughout their high school volleyball career that will last a lifetime.

Jessica Griffith
Senior pink out

The seniors include Adrian Rowles, Natalee Dennis, Bella Spingola, Anna Hale, and Lauren Coleman. Each one of them showed a tremendous amount of effort through all of their years of playing, and they will be missed next season.

When asked what their plans are after high school, Adrian answered: “To attend a 4-year college and major in biology or healthcare, then work and become a physician assistant.” Rowles can see herself playing volleyball in a club league in college, and her advice for the upcoming players is to work hard and try hard at practices because the outcome will be great. She also said to just have fun.

Natalee’s plans after high school are to attend college to dual major in forensic science and chemistry. This was her first year playing volleyball, but that didn’t stop her from learning the game and improving her skills. Her advice for the upcoming playing players is to try hard, do your best, practice, and remember that they are your teammates, not your enemies. She plans on continuing her skills in college, and she will miss the friendships and the fun bus rides that she experienced while on the team.

Bella has been playing for four years, and she will miss playing on the court with her best friends and messing around on the long bus rides. Her future plans are to attend Clarion University to obtain her BSN and then further her education to earn a title as a nurse practitioner. Her advice is don’t quit and keep playing. “As a freshman I thought it was about winning, but four years later I can tell you it’s not. Play for the memories and never get discouraged.”

As for Lauren, her future plans are to attend a 4-year college, and then continue her learning at med school. She started playing her freshman year, and has been playing ever since. Coleman claims: “I will miss playing with all of my friends, and I will miss all of the memories we all made together.” Her advice is to not give up no matter how much you want to, and make the most out of playing because it goes by really fast.

Lastly, Anna’s plans are to attend a 4-year university, majoring in either nursing or pre chiropractic. She has been playing volleyball for 4 years, and her advice is to just have fun ant try. She also states to “just have fun but don’t get angry or frustrated, because it will just bring the rest of the team down.”

The rest of the Clearfield Area High School volleyball team and its organization would like to thank these seniors for their best efforts and hard work while they played hard, and they wish these seniors the best for their future.