Key Club gathers gifts for foster children
Erika Frye, Cruz Wright, Ellen Collin, Mrs.Borden, Kimberly Wilsoncroft, Alyssa Twigg, and Lennon Miller
January 15, 2020
Recently seniors members of Key Club – Kimberly Wilsoncroft, Alyssa Rowles, Cruz Wright, Lennon Miller, and Ellen Collins – gathered gifts for children in the local area. They gathered baby dolls, Barbies, baby doll strollers, clothes, and much more. Kimberly Wilsoncroft, the head of this club, was asked a few questions and gave some responses.
Q. What made you want to gather gifts for those children?
A.”We wanted to gather gifts to give them a brighter, happier Christmas. They otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to have the same Christmas many children in our area have.”
Q. How did you pick children to get gifts for?
A.“We were assigned the foster children from the agency.”
Q. Is there any certain outcome you want from this?
A. “We want children to have a happy, memorable Christmas that they will always be able to remember.”
Q. How do the members of Key Club feel about this?
A. “The Key Club members feel honored and exited to be able to give these children a Christmas that will be like one they haven’t had the chance to have before.”
Q. What is the message you want students of Clearfield to learn from this?
A. “We want students to learn that it is important to be thankful this holiday season and give to where you can.”
Q. Is there anything else you want the students and staff of Clearfield to know about this act of kindness?
A. “I would like to add that this is a great program to help children who are not as fortunate to have a memorable Christmas, and you still can donate and participate without being involved in Key Club, although I highly encourage you to join.”