Salvation Army Food Drive a success
Several boxes of canned goods were successfully donated from this food drive
January 15, 2020
Every year, the English Departments conducts a food drive for the Salvation Army which allows students in grades 7-12 to donate easy-to-prepare items such as canned pasta, soups, chili, etc. through their English classes. This is our way of give back to our community during the holiday season.
Clearfield Area Jr.-Sr. High School has participated in this annual tradition for at least 8 years according, to Mrs. Moyer. The donated food is collected by the Clearfield Salvation Army and distributed to families in need. This year, Clearfield managed to donate a pick-up truck full of canned goods.
Mrs. Warlow’s second period English class collected the most: 138 items. Overall, this year’s Salvation Army Food Drive was quite a success and helped many local families in need. “The English Department would like to thank everyone who participated in the food drive. We appreciate your care and concern for our community,” said Mrs. Moyer on behalf of the English Department staff.