Enthusiastic Students Participate in Spirit Week 2017

September 28, 2017

Students are, from left, Makeeli Redden, Mackenzie Matthews, Austin Fontenoy, Brianna Shaw, Alayna Ryan, and Brooke Cline in their Tie-Dye Tuesday outfits.
This year’s Spirit Week at Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School was held during homecoming week September 11 through September 15. Monday was America Day and students wore red, white, and blue to support our country. Tuesday was tie-dye day, and students wore everything from tie-dye shirts to tie-dye socks. Wednesday was camouflage or animal print day. Thursday was Decade Day which was arguably the most exciting day for the students. Grease, The Breakfast Club, and The Outsiders gave everyone inspiration for this day. Finally, Friday was red day. Everyone wore the red to support the Bison Football team and the first pep rally of the year.

Shown are, from left, Brooke Cline, Brianna Shaw, and Alayna Ryan celebrating America Day.