Mr. Barsody advises students on why they shouldn’t take anything for granted
Mr. Barsody
February 21, 2020
Mr. Barsody is one of Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School’s physics teachers and has been teaching for thirteen years. Mr. Barsody teaches Physics and Physics AP for the senior-high and leads the school’s astronomy club. He teaches students how to solve real-world problems and inspires them to enjoy learning every day in his class. Here he has answered some questions about himself and his teaching career. He also offered some excellent life-advice to students who may feel like they are struggling.
Who influenced you to become a teacher?
Mr. Barsody: “My high school math teachers. I always excelled in mathematics and thought it would be a rewarding career to teach mathematics. I would later fall in love with physics, which is great, because it includes mathematics.”
Where did you receive your education?
Mr. Barsody: “I first received a degree in B.S. Secondary Education at Clarion University, and I later completed undergraduate and graduate coursework to obtain my certification in physics.”
What is your favorite part of being a teacher?
Mr. Barsody: “My favorite part is seeing students in action, who find value in their education, develop the discipline to achieve success, and then take initiative to plan for their future after high school. Laughter and smiles are welcomed along the way, too!”
What do you think is the most difficult thing about teaching?
Mr. Barsody: “Seeing students quit on themselves for one reason or another, when they have the intelligence, support, and resources right in front of them to succeed.”
What made you want to lead our school’s astronomy club?
Mr. Barsody: “I was always fascinated by astrophysics, and I discovered a high-level of student interest in the subject among students. The Astronomy Club did not exist, so I thought we would create one.”
Besides physics and astronomy, what are some other passions of yours?
Mr. Barsody: “I have a lot of various interests, some of which include walking my pups while pondering various intellectual pursuits, working out, and spending time with friends and family.”
Is there any advice you want to give to the students of CAJSHS?
Mr. Barsody: “Nothing should be taken for granted. Every day is a clean slate. Give each day your best. If you have a bad day, be reflective about it and learn from it, and then get the best out of the next one. Also, be sure to take time out to celebrate your victories with friends and family.”
Is there anything else you would like our readers to know?
Mr. Barsody: “Go Bison!”
Allison Shipley, a sophomore here at CAJSHS, is the astronomy club’s president. She is very involved and interested in the club and answered a few questions about her contribution to it. When asked about how long she has been in the club, she responded, “This is my first year!” Despite being in the club for such a short amount of time, she has definitely made a name for herself in the club. Her favorite part of astronomy club is “(Mr. Barsody) teaching us random things every now and then.” Finally, when she was questioned about what separated Mr. Barsody from other teachers, she responded, “He’s a pretty interesting guy! So, when I heard about astronomy club, I thought I would give it a shot!”