Athletes’ opinions on fan limitations at games
Spectators at the girls’ volleyball game.
October 19, 2020
A few months ago, Governor Wolf put a cap on how many people could attend high school athletic games to try and limit the potential spread of COVID-19. Many student-athletes have their opinions on it. Clearfield High School Athletic Director, Mr. Gearhart, also shared some important information about it.
“The indoor sports policy has changed. It was 25 total people in the gym, initially,” reports Mr. Gearhart, “Fortunately, now that policy has changed a little bit. Now, we are allowing each athlete to have four passes to give to their family, and we are now going to start allowing two passes per visiting athlete.”
When asked about the outdoor policies Mr. Gearhart stated, “The outdoor sports were no more than 250 people…now, that is also pretty much across the board. Our school is allowing four passes per participant and two per visiting participant.”
Now, the school board has set these new policies that were originally set by Governor Wolf and the Department of Health to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, relayed Mr. Gearhart. These new policies are set so that parents can come in and watch their child play and for the parents of senior students, this is their last chance to watch. Mr. Gearhart mentions that parents and athletes are adapting well to these new changes.
Senior athletes Kendyhl Luzier, Paige Rhine, Nick Domico, and Crae Ruiz shared their opinions on these new changes that have been set.
Kendyhl is on the Lady Bison tennis team and she believes that it is unfortunate that the spectators are limited but understandable to keep everyone safe. She also mentions that outdoor sporting limitations do not always make the most sense. With everyone wearing masks and socially distancing it does not make sense that the number of spectators must be cut down so far, mentions Kendyhl. She states, “Not being able to have family members come to all my tennis matches like they did years prior is definitely a let-down because it is my last year.”
Paige Rhine, a volleyball player, mentions that she is happy to have the full team and parents be able to watch the games. Paige said, “I would not change it at all. I’m extremely grateful that we can have fans now and that we have more support.” Finally, she expressed that the fans being allowed in gives the team more energy and that it is like the normal volleyball season.
Nick Domico, a football player, conveys that with a stadium as big as ours, they should be able to have more spectators but it’s for the health of the attendees, so he understands. He states that he would like to see the passes open for students to have as well as parents. Lastly, he explains that not having the same number of fans “lessens the tone of the games”.
Crae Ruiz is a starter for the boys’ soccer team and he believes that “the limitation policies are understandable yet blown out of proportion.” Crae states that the number of people that can attend should be up more but also making sure everyone is following the procedure. He finally mentions that this impacts him because this is the last year of our “childhood lives” and it has essentially been ripped away from the 2021 seniors.