Why is voting in a political election so important? The truth behind the election

Source: clipart-library.com
October 19, 2020
The time is upon us as American citizens once again to elect a new President for our great country. However, many people within our nation do not believe that there is a point in voting for president, or they simply just do not vote due to their lack of political interest. Many of these individuals may ask a question such as “What is the point of voting?”
Voting for a person to hold such a high position in the government such as President can completely change the face of a country. For instance, think about our country 10 years ago. Our economy and even some of our laws are completely different just because of the person in charge of the country. The same idea goes for 10 years in the future as well. The president 10 years from now may completely change our country.
Some individuals may hold the argument of “the vote of the people means nothing in the election.” This is not always the case. Although political delegates from all 50 states may have a major part in the outcome of the election, the vote of the people still counts. There have been times where a candidate has won the popular vote rather than the electoral vote and still became president. Every vote counts in a presidential election, whether it is an electoral vote or just the vote of a citizen.
But why exactly should everyone in America vote? From my perspective, voting is a privilege. Although I may not be old enough to vote, I still respect the honor that I will have in the future to make my voice heard in the political world. Although it may not make much of a difference, as previously stated, every single vote counts. For those of my peers that do not understand politics or are simply not interested but are old enough to vote, I recommend looking into the candidates and make your voice heard as well. After all, this is the future of your country.
In the long run, voting in a presidential election determines the future for not only the country, but our lives as citizens. Although politics may seem to be “boring” to many people, mainly the younger generations, it shapes our lives as citizens of this country. Voting gives everyone a chance to make a large decision for the United States, determining who will lead our country into success, or on the opposing side, failure. That being said, go out and make your voice heard, cast your vote.