Clearfield girls soccer takes Mountain League championship
The Clearfield High School Girls Soccer Team.
November 16, 2020
The Clearfield girls soccer team has won the Mountain League Championship! Coach Winters expressed a lot of joy as you would expect following the big win. He said he is very proud of his team for achieving the goals they set at the start of the season.
Coach Winters doesn’t show any signs of slowing down when asked about how he will keep his team motivated for next season. “The coaches and players both want to get better with each practice we have and with each game we play. Honestly we are still focused on our next goal this season and that is to win a district championship,” he said.
He also expressed how, all-around, his girls played this season. Asked if he had any standout players, , he responded: “The awesome thing about this team is that all the girls work so hard and they all standout at when they need to. We have girls that are very good at scoring, girls that provide assists and support in the midfield and defenders and a very good keeper that help distribute the ball. We can’t be successful if all the girls aren’t working together.” That is the exact mindset you would expect of a team that finished 14-2-1 this season.
Unfortunately, sometimes this season we had to put our players’ health first regarding COVID. Mr. Winters did confirm they took precautionary measures this season such as temperature check and required COVID questioning.
Mr. Winters and his team are having a stellar season, and it would shock me for it did not continue next season.