Juniors begin public speaking journey


Morgan Sattesahn, Willow Green, Danna Bender

Cara Turner, Staff Writer

Public Speaking taught by Mrs. Borden started this semester. The course, “English Composition I, emphasizes the techniques of writing expository essays with stress upon careful thinking, word choice, sentence structure, and methods of organization. Students practice the writing of clear, coherent, and unified paragraphs and essays. Editing skills and the use of correct grammar and mechanics are also emphasized. Students are taught research skills and are required to write a research paper. This is the standard college English composition course” (Course Selection Guide).

This year’s students are finding the course challenging but worthwhile.

Willow Green, Junior, describes that her biggest fear going into public speaking is being open and vulnerable. Danna Bender, Junior, explains she’s most afraid of having to memorize and deliver speeches in front of the class. Meanwhile Morgan Sattesahn, Junior, reveals that she is worried about forgetting her speech and not being able to remember it.

Danna’s believes her biggest help through public speaking will be Mrs. Borden and her family. Morgan and Willow say their classmates will help the most.

Willow says, while creating her goals, “I want to be able to use no notecards my entire semester, including the first speech.” Meanwhile, Morgan describes her goal: “My goal is to be more comfortable talking in front of a group of people.” Danna reveals, “Some goals I have for myself are to improve my confidence in front of my classmates and to all and all be a better public speaker.”

Willow, Danna, and Morgan agree there is a huge fear around public speaking because it’s a new, nerve-racking experience for everyone. Specifically, Danna explains, “I would say there is a fear around public speaking because it is not something we have to do every day. It is not easy to write a speech let alone memorize it enough to say under pressure.”

Morgan says the process of listening and taking advice from others will help her improve. Willow adds, “It’s mostly going to be about practicing, the more you practice the better you are going to be.” Danna agrees that practice is key.

“I am looking forward to seeing how much improvement there will be from the first speech to the final at the end of the semester,” explains Danna. Morgan adds, “I am looking forward to writing speeches about topics I am interested in.” And Willow says, “I am looking forward to seeing the open side of everyone and seeing myself improve as the semester goes on.”